Thursday, 21 July 2016

Two new Time To Change Somerset Champions

Time To Change Somerset

Congratulations to Brad and Janielle for passing their training to become our brand new Time To Change Somerset Champions.

During our Morning workshop session Brad and Janielle learnt the basics of positively challenging Mental Health Stigma and discrimination during public events in their community as well as with their families, work colleagues and friends.

Mental Health Conversations

There are no hard and fast rules for talking about mental health. It can be tricky to find the words, at first,but as soon as you've found that ice breaker you will find that talking about mental health is as easy as talking about any other subject.

During today's workshop we discussed how we can start a conversation with the public.
Brad and Janielle feel that you can start off with small talk, such as the weather or something you may have in common and then naturally start to develop into the subject of mental health and the amazing work that our Time To Change Champions do.

Brad and Janielle also said that it was important that Champions where energetic and had a positive attitude when approaching the subject.

Speaking Personally

Our Champions learnt that they should never feel under pressure to tell people about their own mental health Issues if they don't want to. And some days one can feel like talking about them and other days they don't.However,  having the courage to speak out can help you feel better in yourself and more accepted by others.

Talking about our own issues can also give strength to others who may be suffering but have not yet been able to seek help.
You may sometimes meet with a negative reaction from people. But sometimes being honest about your mental health can make you feel better, despite people's reactions - because it means you don’t have to keep things hidden any more.
These negative reactions however are becoming increasingly rare due to the work of our Time To Change champions bringing these issues out into the open and challenging old stereotypes.

How you can become a Champion

Brad and Janielle are just the latest of our 14 strong team of champions from across the county of Somerset and we are always on the lookout for more.
If you too would like to help end mental health stigma and discrimination please contact Marc on (01823) 334906

Learn more about Time To Change Somerset on our webpage: 

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